Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Give the Cats their Snack

My dad calls the cat treats “nack.” And the cats have come to learn that “nack” means cat treat. Jackelyn has also learned that snacks are called “nack” and not only calls cat treats “nack” but also asks for her own snacks by asking for “nack.”

We have a big ziplock bag full of nack. It’s about three bags worth of cat treats (different flavors) dumped into a ziplock bag and kept up high on a shelf that the cats cannot jump onto and that Jackelyn can’t reach.

Today I spilled the nack. I grabbed the bag and shook it like I usually do when I let the cats know that it is nack time. Except that the ziplock top wasn’t zipped closed and nack was flung all over the floor. Stitch was not in the room, but Gordita was. She was in shock. I figured she would immediately start to scarf down nack. However, to my surprise, she stared at it. She had a look of disbelief that all that nack had really rained down from the heavens and onto the floor. Perhaps she was in shock that I had dared to treat the nack with such disrespect and dumped it everywhere.

I started to scoop up what I could and put it back in the bag. Gordita is our resident “eat all the food I can before Stitch can get any and then puke it up somewhere else in the house” cat. Luckily for me Jackelyn was there to help. I thought if she saw me scooping it up off the floor and putting it back into the bag she would help. I even showed her how to do it. But, as I should have known, since Jackelyn thinks she is a cat she would think like that cat. She actually got rather mad that I was taking the nack away from the cats. She picked up bits of nack and instead of putting it in the bag she reached over and placed it in a pile for Gordita. In protest she started reaching into the bag and taking more nack out for the cats. I’m rather sure she would have demanded that I give the cats their nack if she could speak in full, clear sentences. Instead I got a big fat “No Mama!”

Eventually I managed to scoop up the majority of the nack and left the rest for the cats. And I learned to make sure the nack bag is sealed before I shake it. I also learned that Jackelyn doesn’t have my back, she’s got the cats’ backs.

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