Friday, September 14, 2012

Don’t Disturb a Lounging Cat Or She Will Puke on Your Floor

I’m apparently the worst sister a cat could ever have. My parents’ cat Gordita has been living with me on and off for the past five years. She’s currently living with us and by now I think she’s gotten used to all of the kids, the new house and realizes that her mom and dad will (usually) come on the weekend to come visit her.

Yesterday she was sun bathing by the back sliding door. The blinds were opened and I could feel the heat form the sunshine pouring into the house. Considering our air conditioner is currently out of order, I decided to pull the blinds shut. I did, however, crack them a bit so that Gordita could continue to lounge in the sunlight.

She was rather angry with me, to put it lightly. She glared at me. Then stood up and worked her body in between the blinds. Then she glared at me some more. I dared to limit the amount of sunshine she was getting, and even worse was that I forced her to have to get up and move from her lounging spot.

She managed to move between the blinds in the perfect spot for the sunlight to glare in the direction that I happened to be sitting. I guess that could be called karma. She also decided to throw up some food later that day too. I guess that was her letting me know that I was on her list of not favorite people for that day.

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