Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Gordita Hears a Noise

Monday morning came around and it was time to print out and sign my timesheet. Gordita was sitting right next to the printer looking at me. I assume she was trying to send me telepathic vibes to reach into the Cat Nack bag and scoop her up some tasty morsels. I also assumed that since she’s been living with me for the last year I thought she knew all about the printer. We all know what assuming makes you. Then again, she’s never sat with her head at the same level as the printer before as its running. It was a whole new experience.

The printer whirred to life and Gordita’s eyes widened. She cocked her head and listened. The printer sucked up a piece of paper and Gordita about jumped out of her skin. She kept her composure though and looked the printer square in the dark depth of its soul.

She stuck a paw into that black hole of mystery and felt around. Not feeling anything she switched paws and stuck the other one in. Something was definitely in there making a noise and being the fearless female Amazon cat that she is, she was going to seek it out and (if it was truly a find) conquer and destroy it.

Just trying to do its job, the printer printed and slipped my timesheet under her curious paw pad. She leaned back with a look of surprise. At least what I interpreted as surprise. I caught the precious moment on camera. Perhaps you can better put into words the look on her face.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Which Cat For President

I’m not a fan of Election Time. All the negative campaign posts really rub me raw. I don’t care want to hear why I shouldn’t vote for the other guy (or gal). I want to hear why I should vote for you! Well now I have a better campaign competition to pay attention too. Hello Kitty and Morris the Cat, two well known felines, have announced their candidacy for the 2012 Presidential race.

To tell you the truth, I’m just torn on which cat would be the best for President. I’m a fan of Hello Kitty. I always have been since I was a little girl. And I’ve been immersed in Hello Kitty once again with my daughter who likes Hello Kitty. A vote for her and she says she will help make the world a happier and friendlier place.  She’s even asking us to help choose her Vice Presidential running mate! (I voted for Chococat as her running mate. I’m not going to lie, I think two cats in the office would be better than one.)

But Morris the Cat has a good campaign going too. He’s out to help shelter and feed the homeless and hungry cats of the nation and his promise is starting now! He has a campaign poster on his Facebook campaign page that promises that with every time his poster is shared he will donate one bowl of food to cats in need. Plus he is an orange kitty and you all know how much I adore orange cats.

I've even asked the cats to weigh in on it. Stitch's vote is for Hello Kitty. He's more into the fun and flowery image she shares. But personally, I think it's a stigma against orange cats he has. Gordita, on the other paw, has confidence that Morris the Cat is the cat to do the job. She's all about food. Need I say more?

I’ve liked both the Morris the Cat campaign page and the Hello Kitty campaign page on Facebook. I’ll just have to see who can sway my vote with their campaign promises. Who are you going to vote for?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Orange Cat Dreams

Don’t tell Stitch, but I would really love to own an orange cat one day. I’m not sure where the desire to own one came from. It could have possibly been influenced by Morris the Cat. It was definitely influenced by the character Kyo in the anime/manga Fruits Basket. It could have even been from seeing a cute, orange kitten at the Orange County Pet Expo one year.

I went back to work this week from my Maternity Leave and was delighted to see that CatChannel.com is running a Pumpkin Cats Contest. Cat owners can submit photos of their orange cats for the chance to win some fun cat-related prizes. Since I don’t have an orange cat of my own I have made an effort to look through the entries of orange cats that have already been entered.

I want to snuggle each ball of orange fluff. I think Stitch might be catching on though. He sat on my lap as I viewed photo after photo of one orange cat after another. I “oohed” and “awed” over each one.  I think he got jealous because he jumped off my lap and sat on the window sill pouting. I could tell he was pouting because he kept looking over at me and each time that I caught his eye he turned away from me. I think it was a look of disgust. He seemed downright moody. Then again, he’s a cat and I just might be over analyzing typical cat mood swings.

I told him I loved him but I don’t think he believed me, especially when I went back to looking at orange cat photos. I guess I could have been a little more sensitive. I still want an orange cat one day if I can find one at a rescue that can tolerate a house full of kids and two moody cats.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Fail of Mission Get Nack

It was 2am and I was washing out the baby’s bottle at the sink. I was half asleep and the soft glow coming from the hood above the stove wasn’t too bright. But then I heard a sound that jolted me awake with a panic.

It was a loud thud, almost as if someone had thrown themselves or something up against the wall. It came from behind me. I grew up in the ghetto of South Vallejo, Calif., so naturally I thought that it was someone trying to break into my house. Then I remembered that I live in the small, quaint town of “Nothing Ghetto Happens Here” and I calmed my active imagination.

I turned around to find Gordita sitting on top of the Microwave trying to get at the Nack (cat treats) that we keep high up on a shelf. Stitch was sitting on the floor near the Microwave. Gordita looked irritated; Stitch looked at me with the Puss in Boots eyes.

I walked over to Gordita and told her to get down. I had to say it twice again with the angry stern, but not loud because it’s 2am voice. She jumped down and as soon as her paws hit the floor she smacked Stitch. And I mean wacked him good on the head.

I have a theory about it. Gordita and Stitch had a Mission to Get Nack from the shelf. However, they weren’t expecting me to be awake. My assumption is that Stitch was supposed to be the lookout while Gordita grabbed the bag of Nack.

I’m not sure how they missed me over at the sink. A light was on and I wasn’t being silent as I rinsed out the bottle. Either they truly didn’t see me or Gordita thought that she had enough skill to gracefully jump up on the microwave without a sound. However, with a name like “Gordita” I promise you that a silent, graceful jump up is anything up possible.

Needless to say, no Nack was stolen that night. Mission Get Nack was an epic Fail.