Monday morning came around and it was time to print out and sign my timesheet. Gordita was sitting right next to the printer looking at me. I assume she was trying to send me telepathic vibes to reach into the Cat Nack bag and scoop her up some tasty morsels. I also assumed that since she’s been living with me for the last year I thought she knew all about the printer. We all know what assuming makes you. Then again, she’s never sat with her head at the same level as the printer before as its running. It was a whole new experience.
The printer whirred to life and Gordita’s eyes widened. She cocked her head and listened. The printer sucked up a piece of paper and Gordita about jumped out of her skin. She kept her composure though and looked the printer square in the dark depth of its soul.
She stuck a paw into that black hole of mystery and felt around. Not feeling anything she switched paws and stuck the other one in. Something was definitely in there making a noise and being the fearless female Amazon cat that she is, she was going to seek it out and (if it was truly a find) conquer and destroy it.
Just trying to do its job, the printer printed and slipped my timesheet under her curious paw pad. She leaned back with a look of surprise. At least what I interpreted as surprise. I caught the precious moment on camera. Perhaps you can better put into words the look on her face.