Wednesday, August 3, 2011

An Exciting Day

We’ve had quite an exciting day here in our house. First off we have a new fuzzy. She’s actually not that new. Her name is Gordita and she is about 11 years old. My family has had her since she was a kitten. She’s lived with me and the family about 3 years ago for a while. Then after my parents found their new apartment she went back to live with them. However, now that we’re in a big, ole house she’s come back to live with us.

Gordita and Stitch aren’t strangers. They hiss at each other, and cuddle with each other when they think we’re not looking. Gordita is irritated by Stitch, and once in a while Stitch finds some huevos to stand up to Gordita. She’s currently still hiding, but knowing her she will come out in a couple of days, especially at night when everyone but me is asleep. Needless to say, she’s momentarily pissed off that she’s here.
I have a couple of entries about the two of them in my blog “Cats in the Family” on (of which this blog is an extension and continuation from).

The other excitement was Stitch’s adventure outdoors. He’s mainly an indoor cat, but today he managed to run out the open front door. It probably would not have had me as worried if he had his collar on. But no, my cat has issues with collars and decided to take it off before hand. I’m not sure exactly how long he was gone but about 45 minutes after I realized he was definitely not in the house he came back to the front door and laid down in front of it until I realized he was there. Then he made this big deal of panting and stretching as if to say “It’s about time you realized I was here.”

I put fresh cool water in his bowl and told him I was not pleased with him, but was glad he was home. He gave me that indifferent look as if to say “Whatever. I don’t see what the fuss is all about. I’m here aren’t I?”
Now that I think about it, I’ve been telling him for the past three weeks that Gordita was coming to live with us again. Maybe he was trying to show me his displeasure. Oh well, she’s here.

Gordita, by the way, thinks she is a human. Which works out I guess because I have a baby who thinks she’s a cat. I have no doubt in my mind that Gordita will teach her everything she knows – Including how to change the channel on the TV with the remote control.

Meet Gordita