Friday, March 25, 2011

Not Ashamed

I thought I’d share a heads up on a fact that you might have noticed from my last entry. Like any fabulous Cat Lady I am guilty of Anthropomorphism. In other words I have given my pet cat human characteristics.  It really isn’t limited to cats either. Any animal I meet that gives me attitude, personality or guff is going to be labeled and have judgment passed upon it. 

Don’t get me wrong. I’m fully aware that my pet cat is my pet cat. However, he really is quite a character. 

He gets really mad at me when I leave for a couple of days whether it is on vacation, business trip or short weekend trip overnight. Personally I like to think that he’s angry with me for leaving and not calling home to let him know that I’m OK. I also think that he possibly has mommy abandonment issues considering that his first owner abandoned him to fend for himself in the alleyway. Another theory is that he is just a spoiled cat who expects someone to feed him, pet him and pay attention to his beck and call and he’s not pleased if I don’t come home at night to do this.

Example 1: I went on a business trip to Savannah, Georgia. I left for a little under a week. When I came back Stitch looked at me when I walked in the door. He followed me to my room where I put my bags down and when I beckoned for him to come for a pat he walked away. Later that evening while watching TV with my sister he let me know that he didn’t need me because he had her. He ignored my asking him to cuddle and jumped up on her lap. And then he looked across the room at me and turned up his nose in my general direction. He got over it after a day or so, but I never forgot the way he let me know what he thought of my leaving.

Example 2: Whenever my husband or the kids are touching him, holding him, hugging him (he’s not a very physical cat unless he says it’s OK) he shoots me this look of death. OK, maybe not death but it clearly says “How dare you put me in this situation. I’m doing this for you because you made me come live here.” 

Those are just a taste of his personality showing through. As frustrated as he may be with his new situation I do have to hand it to him for slowing letting my husband and the kids in. We’ve been living with them for about 2 ½ years and Stitch is just lately starting to go to my husband for snuggles. He then jumps up and runs as soon as I walk in the room to pretend that he wasn’t and gives a look of disgust for me to see. I know he’s just putting up a front. 

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that I’m not ashamed of the fact that I talk about my cat as if he were one of my kids. I know anyone of you reading is most likely guilty of doing it at least once in your life too. It’s only human nature in my opinion. And if you need some proof below is a photo of Stitch looking at me with anger, rage, disgust and shame. "How dare you put this stupid chicken hat on me!"

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