With that said, once in the pet store I decided to take a look at some flea control shampoos. The little buggers have made breakfast, lunch and dinner out of my poor cat so I thought a good dip was in order.
The only problem was that there weren’t any flea shampoos that I wanted to get. Go figure! What did catch my eye was the line of shampoos called “Pet Head” by the company that makes “Bed Head” products for us human folk.
At first it was the bright colors that lured me to crouch down to look at the bottom shelf. Who wouldn’t want to take a closer look at those fabulous colors and fancy bottles?
However, upon closer inspection I discovered that each of these bottles had a different scent to them. They ranged from Green Apple, to Passion fruit, to Blueberry muffin, to Asian pear, to Strawberry yogurt, etc.
I actually considered what scent I would get for Stitch, if I ever wanted to give the line a try. Stitch didn’t seem like the passion fruit or strawberry kind of cat. It was down to Blueberry muffin and Asian pear. If only they had scratch-and-sniff labels I might have actually considered it.
The problem is that I didn’t think I wanted my cat to smell like anything good enough to eat. That and the thought of the “wet cat” smell plus whatever fragrance I paired it with wasn’t very appealing. It makes me think of those air fresheners that don’t do anything but fuse fragrance with the stench of the bathroom.
To my bank accounts relief I walked away from the fancy, shmancy pet shampoos. Another couple dollars saved from being spent on something for the cat that wouldn’t get used. For example, why buy a cat bed when our beds work just fine?